Common Technology Transfer Office Structure

Intended outcome of the Common Transport Transfer Office Structure (CTTOS)

Intended outcome of the Common Transport Transfer Office Structure  JTS pooling of expertise and experience in the management and exploitation of research innovation to create a CTOOS with: 

  • Joint horizontal capacity building actions. 

  • Developing networks of specialized partners to support technology transfer issues. 

  • Creating appropriate conditions and networks with the business sector in Greece and abroad. 

  • Promoting mature research results. 

  • Promote synergies between business and research activity. 

Common TTO Structure schema

Three levels of operation: 

  1. Upgrading the functioning of the existing TTOs of the cooperating mature actors through internal operational plans developed by each actor, based on internal needs and priorities. 

  2. Provision of high added value services to the partner institutions, external expertise as well as education and training for the staff of the TTOs by the Common Structure. 

  3. Development of technology transfer and support actions to non-mature operators by the Common Structure. 

External Partners

  • Patent Attorneys: the CTTOS is composed of patent attorneys who undertake patent searches, freedom to operate, patent drafting, patent filings and other related services. 

  • Legal Advisers: The CTTOS is developing a network of external legal consultants to provide legal support and legal services.  

  • Coaches: they guide teams with research results regarding the actions and steps to be taken to develop and implement their business proposals and projects.  

  • Entrepreneurship consultants: They provide high value-added services; indicatively market analysis, business plan development, intellectual property, business intelligence.  

  • Mentors: They are responsible for guiding start-up spin-offs to meet market requirements during the initial stages of their establishment and operation.  

  • Special Scientific Partners: For awareness-raising and training activities for technology transfer managers and internal research and education communities